
Author: admin

SBCTA Recruiting Talent

The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) is focused primarily on freeway, interchange, and transit enhancements to the region that first and foremost benefit the taxpayer of San Bernardino County.  Coupling that effort with various non-transportation related objectives from the Council of Governments role of the agency brings the mission of providing quality of life […]

SBCTA Brings Home Awards

To kick off the new year, SBCTA brought home three Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Inland Empire awards in January – the Innovative Transportation Solutions Award for our Free Fares Initiative; Woman of the Year for Carrie Schindler, Deputy Executive Director; and Employer of the Year. The dinner event was a fun time including the 4.5 […]

Inland Empire Partnership on Federal Grants

SBCTA/SBCOG is joining with their Inland Empire counterparts to pursue a federal grant to reduce pollution and improve air quality.  At their February meeting the SBCTA/SBCOG Board of Directors approved a recommendation to have the Executive Director negotiate an Agreement with the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments […]

Storm Season Safety

As Southern California sees record setting rain fall, safe driving becomes even more important in our daily travels.  SBCTA would like to share some tips for driving in rainy weather, to reduce risk and avoid a potentially dangerous commute. Safe driving starts before you drive.  Ensure that tires have the proper tread depth, replace worn […]

The Journey Continues: SBCTA Hosts ZEMU and Arrow Maintenance Facility Virtual Informational Webinar

On February 7, SBCTA hosted a webinar to share information about the Zero-Emission Multiple Unit (ZEMU) rail vehicle, coming to San Bernardino’s Arrow line later this year, and to provide an update about the modifications needed to accommodate the ZEMU vehicle to the existing Arrow Maintenance Facility (AMF) located just east of the San Bernardino […]

Recording: Cucamonga Canyon Webinar

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 San Bernardino County Council of Governments (SBCOG), USDA Forest Service, San Bernardino County, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cucamonga Valley Water District, Cucamonga Foothills Preservation Alliance, and Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, held a webinar to update the community about the Cucamonga Canyon Management Plan. The Cucamonga Canyon Management Plan […]

Quarterly Project Briefings: January – March 2022 (Q3)

The latest quarterly project briefing is out! Read the latest edition.

On-the-Go Commuter Newsletter For ETCs: May/June 2022 Edition Released

The latest edition of On-the-Go for ETCs is out! Read the latest edition.

On-the-Go Commuter Newsletter: May 2022 Edition Released

The latest edition of On-the-Go for Commuters is out! Read the latest edition in English or Spanish.

Quarterly Project Briefings: October – December 2020 (Q2)

The latest quarterly project briefing is out! Read the latest edition.
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