
Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee (ITOC)

People standing in front of a board in a meeting room and reviewing post-it notes on the board

The Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee (ITOC) provides citizen review to ensure that all Measure I funds are spent by the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (hereby referred to as the Authority) in accordance with provision of the Expenditure Plan and Ordinance No. 04-01. 

The ordinance specifies that each member of the ITOC have certain credentials or experience as follows:

  1. One member who is a professional in the field of municipal audit, finance and/or budgeting with a minimum of five years in a relevant and senior decision-making position in the public or private sector.
  2. One member who is a licensed civil engineer or trained transportation planner with at least five years of demonstrated experience in the fields of transportation and/or urban design in government and/or the private sector.  No member shall be a recipient or sub-recipient of Measure ā€œIā€ funding.
  3. One member who is a current or retired manager of a major publicly financed development or construction project, who by training and experience would understand the complexity, costs and implementation issues in building large scale transportation improvements.
  4. One member who is current or retired manager of a major privately financed development or construction project, who by training and experience would understand the complexity, costs and implementation issues in building large scale transportation improvements.
  5. One public member, who possesses the knowledge and skills which will be helpful to the work of the ITOC.
    In addition to the appointed members, the SBCTA President and Executive Director will serve as ex-officio members.

Ordinance & Expenditure Plan

  • Ordinance 04-01 
    Ordinance of San Bernardino County Transportation Authority providing for the continuation of a one-half of one percent retail transaction and use tax for local transportation purposes and Transportation Expenditure Plan from 2010 to 2040.
  • Ordinance No. 90-1
    Ordinance of San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Amending Ordinance No. 89-1 
    Relating to Implementation of a Transaction and Use Tax
  • Ordinance No. 89-1 
    Ordinance of San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Transportation Expenditure Plan and Retail Transactions and Use Tax
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