Tag: EJ
The Inland Regional Energy Network (I-REN) Program is pleased to provide upcoming energy building codes training sessions which include approved Continuing Education Units (CEU) through the International Code Council (ICC). The virtual trainings are provided courtesy of I-REN. I-REN is a strategic partnership between the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, San Bernardino Council of Governments […]
Having trouble recruiting job seekers highly skilled in the energy sector? Take our employer survey to share your experience and feedback! The Inland Regional Energy Network (I-REN) and The Energy Coalition (TEC) requests your support in reaching employers within the energy sector in the Inland Empire. To expand workforce opportunities in the energy industry, we’ve […]
Signed into law in 2016, SB 1000 is the Planning for Healthy Communities Act. SB 1000 requires local jurisdictions to include an Environmental Justice Element within their General Plan. By centering environmental justice in this process, SB 1000 works to create places to support a healthier and more equitable community for all who live, work, […]