
San Bernardino Regional Housing Trust

May 11, 2023

On April 5, 2023, the San Bernardino Council of Government’s (SBCOG) Board of Directors authorized staff to begin the process of establishing the San Bernardino Regional Housing Trust (SBRHT) through a Joint Powers Authority (JPA). Since January 2022, as a result of the increasing concern around the region’s housing shortage, SBCOG has worked extensively with the City/County Managers Technical Advisory Committee and the Housing Trust Ad Hoc Committee to prepare for the formation of the Housing Trust. Through the collaborative nature of the work, staff has developed a framework, structure, and pathway for the potential creation of a new JPA that will be its own separate legal entity.

The SBRHT’s purpose and vision are to provide funding and affordable housing development interest in San Bernardino County through housing financing programs and support to developers and jurisdictions interested in increasing the region’s housing supply.

The formation of the SBRHT will allow for a regional approach to housing by avoiding duplicative efforts, leveraging SBCOG’s administrative capabilities, and seeking funding available through State and regional programs.

To learn more about the San Bernardino Regional Housing Trust, visit

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