

SBREP Holiday LED Light Exchange Events Start Dec 1

The San Bernardino Regional Energy Partnership, a program of the San Bernardino Associated Governments, will spread the joy this holiday season by offering Southern California Edison (SCE) customers the opportunity to trade in their old incandescent holiday lights in exchange for energy efficient LED holiday lights. In addition, complimentary Energy Efficiency Starter Kits will be […]

Greener Valleys 2016: Creating Jobs & Livable Communities

The restoration of local ownership and governance of Ontario International Airport has people talking about opportunity in the Inland Empire and the San Gabriel Valley. You’re invited to join in on Monday, June 13 at Cal Poly Pomona for the Greener Valleys II – a gathering of a broad range of leaders from San Bernardino, […]

I-10/Tippecanoe: Intermittent Ramp and Lane Closures for May 31-June 3

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

I-15/Base Line Road Construction Notice: Intermittent Ramp, Freeway Lane and City Street Lane Closures for May 31-June 4

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

I-15/Base Line Road Construction Notice: Ramp, Freeway Lane and City Street Lane Closures for May 23-27

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

SANBAG Countywide Points of Interest Pedestrian Plan (PIPP) & Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Stakeholder Meetings

The San Bernardino Associated Governments is developing a Countywide Points of Interest Pedestrian Plan (PIPP) to assist member agencies with the development of plans and tools for identifying and prioritizing pedestrian improvements in the region. The following PDF provides the meeting times that are available for agency staff, elected representatives, business and community members, and […]

You're Invited: Interstate 10/Tippecanoe Interchange Improvement Project Completion Ceremony

For more information please contact the San Bernardino Associated Governments, Department of Legislative and Public Affairs, at 909.884.8276 or email

I-15/Base Line Intermittent Ramp, Freeway Lane and City Street Lane Closures April 18-24

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

I-10/Tippecanoe Intermittent Ramp and Lane Closures for April 18-22

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

Traffic Advisory: I-15/Base Line Road Ramp, Freeway Lane and City Street Lane Closures for April 6-8

Attention Resident, Business Owners, and Commuters
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