The SBCOG Small Business Initiatives is a program primarily designed to help small businesses successfully navigate through the government procurement processes. Working collaboratively with other support programs and focus groups, the program has identified some core objectives:
A regional housing trust provides a mechanism to raise and leverage existing funds to support the creation of housing, with a focus on affordable housing. Given the limited capacity of local jurisdictions to devote resources to trust administration, and San Bernardino Council of Governments’ (SBCOG) well-established role in the region, SBCOG is both qualified to and capable of administering a regional housing trust that would address regional housing needs while minimizing duplication of resources across San Bernardino County.
Not every 9-1-1 call needs a lights and sirens response. San Bernardino County has launched the Emergency Communications Nurse System (ECNS) where dispatch operators work alongside trained Registered Nurses stationed in the County’s 9-1-1 Call Center network to quickly assess the level of response required for medical calls. The goal of the program is to provide timely, reliable, and appropriate responses to emergency and non-life-threatening situations. ECNS helps all emergency service providers optimize resources and outcomes by providing the Right Care at the Right Time.
I-REN is made up of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, San Bernardino Council of Governments, and Western Riverside Council of Governments.
We are passionate and committed local councils of government (COGs) coming together to bring much-needed energy efficiency resources, education, and funding to our region.
We collaborate with local leaders to provide the maximum benefit equitably, across all communities in the area. We review program performance, receive regulatory updates, and offer an opportunity for feedback and discussion.
SBCOG is leading the SCMP to provide a roadmap for improving the region’s communications and technology infrastructure to better serve the county’s growing technology needs. The regional approach is meant to share information and break down silos in an effort to serve residents in all sub-regions and jurisdictions.
Active Transportation solely relies on human-powered actions, such as walking and biking. SBCOG aims to promote the construction of pedestrian and bike-friendly improvements to existing sidewalks and roads throughout the entire county. Improvements near Metrolink stations and schools would encourage the public to use active transportation, promoting positive public health and environmental change.
The Bi-County Climate Adaptation Plan addresses the potential long-term effects of climate change in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Spearheaded by WRCOG, this plan outlines strategies and suggestions for working together to address climate change related challenges.
The CARB Project is the Multi-Class Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Truck Demonstration Project for intermodal and warehouse facilities. The goal of the project is to provide a model for truck electrification that can be scaled to any facility.
The San Bernardino Countywide Vision calls for an intersectional collaboration across San Bernardino County to create a vibrant, physically, and economically healthy county in the next 20 years. The Countywide Transformation Plan outlines actions for the county to take in order to achieve the Countywide Vision.
The United States Forest Service is partnering with SBCOG on creating a Management Plan that identifies access, maintenance, and enforcement in Cucamonga Canyon in Rancho Cucamonga and Lytle Creek, located about 12 miles north of the City of Fontana.
San Bernardino County Department of Public Health has created a Strategic Plan for the implementation of Healthy Communities policies. The Healthy Communities Best Practices Toolkit will be a “kit” of sample policies, resolutions, processes, and organizational structure as well as lessons learned from agencies that have implemented policies. This toolkit will be used by local agencies to address their health-related issues and improve their residents’ health.
In conjunction with UC Riverside, Loma Linda University, University of Redlands, Brookings Institute, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, and business leaders, the Inland Empire Growth and Opportunity project looks to advance inclusive growth and opportunity that will benefit residents of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. The project creates a strategic agenda to help residents move into the middle class and generally broaden their local access to opportunity.
The Pedestrian Sidewalk Connectivity Plan identifies gaps in sidewalks throughout San Bernardino County that are in need of pedestrian focused improvements. This plan sets priorities for creating an inventory of incomplete sidewalks and implementation. Creating a network of complete sidewalks supports active transportation and Safe Routes to School, fostering safer and healthier communities.
The Regional Conservation Investment Strategy aims to conduct research on threatened and endangered habitats that need to be preserved. The creation of a countywide inventory of conservation lands and a completion of a detailed analysis of these habitats is needed in order to track and identify gaps in the protection of these species. This study also gives regulatory agencies an approved regional plan which would create consistency under CA Department of Fish and Wildlife.
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan aims to meet the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets that were identified in SB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. In order to meet the reduction levels of 40% by 2030 relative to 1990 levels specified by the law. SBCOG and SBCTA are compiling an inventory of GHG emissions and an evaluation of reduction measures that can be adopted by the 21 partnership cities in San Bernardino County.
SBCTA and SBCOG created a countywide Safe Routes to School Program that aims to increase the accessibility and safety of using non-motorized transportation to school. Pedestrian and bike improvements are outlined in order to guide the implementation of this program by local agencies. Creating safe routes to school not only creates an active transportation network for traveling to school, but also has positive benefits to public health, safety, and sustainability for the local agencies involved.
The San Bernardino Countywide ZEV Implementation Plan strives to push the development and implementation of clean vehicles to limit tailpipe emissions in San Bernardino County. This plan has received a grant of $170,000 that fully covers the completion of the plan, putting the County one step closer to meeting California’s long-term environmental goals.
The purpose of the San Bernardino Council of Governments is to speak with a collective voice on important issues that affect its member agencies. Representatives from 24 cities and towns, and the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors have a seat on the SBCOG Board of Directors. This governing board sets policy for the organization.
Recognizing that many issues and concerns are not constrained by political boundaries, SBCOG focuses on regional matters. SBCOG provides a forum to reduce duplication of effort and to share information. Working together we are better advocates for our communities and strengthen San Bernardino County’s standing in the region and State.
City of Adelanto
Town of Apple Valley
City of Barstow
City of Big Bear Lake
City of Chino
City of Chino Hills
City of Colton
City of Fontana
City of Grand Terrace
SBCOG partners with the 24 cities in its member jurisdiction and: